
Project concept “Archivist”

In the modern world of art, an artist is faced with a difficult task. How to make the viewer, overwhelmed by a huge flow of information, still stop near his works and become interested in them? After all, one way or another, but today we can state that almost everything has already happened. According to Vasily Zenko, sincerity and confidence in what he does are important for an artist. It is the authenticity of emotions and the personal charisma of the author that can attract the attention of the viewer and arouse keen interest.

Vasily Zenko’s paintings are charged with dynamics, expression and overflowing vital energy. A constant source of inspiration for him is Nature in its original, untouched form, as it was before the ontological dissonance reigned.

The artist sincerely admires the beauty and perfection of the world of flora and fauna. In his compositions, Vasily Zenko depicts stylized insects, fish, birds, reptiles, and various plants. However, behind the apparent simplicity of the form, a rather deep content is hidden. In the era of space speeds, high technologies, the development of scientific thought, a person gradually loses touch with the origins of his existence.

Vasily speaks in a simple language that everyone understands about complex things and concepts. His paintings contain a deep understanding of the laws of nature. Often, through the images of his “heroes” the master conducts a conversation with the viewer about human qualities and relationships between people. At the same time, Vasily’s work is devoid of any didacticity. The artist reserves the right for each of the viewers to feel and understand his works in accordance with their views.

In the “Archivist” art project, Vasily, on the one hand, sets himself the task of preserving the images of wildlife, which is getting closer and closer on the planet from the activities of mankind. Some works even depict endangered species. On the other hand, he “archives” in these paintings the art, his impressions and feelings that he experienced in the process of work. Today the creative method of this artist is as follows. But who knows what changes in art will take place in his future? And Vasily, like an archivist, accepts material coming from outside, processes it and carefully stores it. At the same time, according to the instructions of this archivist, he can “give out for temporary use” (for an exhibition) “archival documentation” (his works), as well as “prepare reports on the document flow in the archive” (that is, create a new art project) …

Thus, Vasily Zenko declares that starting from the exhibition at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, he undertakes to create a long-term multi-year project under the general name “Archivist”, which will include his works of different years.

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