

Concept of projects

Art rhymes with the idea of ​​no boundaries both in the form of expression and the possibilities of perception. Art is created by those and for those who dreams of more, regardless of origin, physical abilities, additional needs for the realization creative aspirations. Art is for everyone, accessible and diverse!

The creative activity of the artist Vasili Zianko has been focused for several years on the development and implementation of the idea to ​​make art accessible for visually impaired and blind spectators. The main concept of inclusive art projects is built on interaction idea between painting and world cultural heritage works (poetry, literature, architecture), between cultures of different countries, people with different physical abilities.

The unique inclusive works by Vasili Zianko are the original tactile paintings making in an innovative author’s technique accessible to people with additional needs. Picturesque relief surfaces of paintings includes poetically texts translated into Braille (in the form of textured color dots). Every painting is a artists dialogue with the poems author.

Visually impaired and blind people can become full-fledged spectators and “look” pictures with their hands. Inclusive art projects of Vasili Zianko will be a great base for collaboration for poets from Belarus, France, United Kingdom, USA, Germany, China, Japan, Poland, Italy and the Belarusian artist. Such collaboration widens possibilities for communicating with people of different disabilities and needs.

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