
ExhibitionsExhibition of paintings of the inclusive direction in Mogilev

Exhibition of paintings of the inclusive direction in Mogilev

Exhibition of paintings of the inclusive direction of the artist Vasily Zenko in the branch of the National Museum of Belarus in Mogilev

Museum V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli
Mogilev, st. Leninskaya, 37
From 02.09.2022 to 02.10.2022

On September 2, 2022, an exhibition of an inclusive direction in the work of the artist Vasily Zenko was opened at the branch of the National Art Museum of Belarus in Mogilev – the Museum of V.K. Byalynitsky-Biruli.

The exposition is presented not only by earlier pictorial tactile works from the inclusive projects “And Feeling, Seeing…” (2018) based on the dotted lines of the Belarusian poet Ales Ryazanov, “The Poetry of Dots…M. Bogdanovich” (2020), but also replenished with eight new paintings from the “Poetry of Points…Li Bai” project (2022) with images from the work of the most famous Chinese poet (born 710 AD) embodied on canvas.

Braille versions for different languages differ, and the uniqueness of the inclusive works of art by Vasily Zenko is that poetic lines are woven into the images of the paintings in Braille in the language of the country where the literary work was born. For the projects “And Feeling, Seeing…” and “Poetry of Dots…” – this is Belarusian Braille, and for the project “Poetry of Dots … Li Bai” – Chinese Braille. The translation of the poems into a language understandable to the visitors of the exposition is presented in the accompanying plates for each work (including in Braille).

A blind person first “reads” a short verse, and then studies its pictorial and relief embodiment. For sighted people, the works of Vasily Zenko are paintings harmonious in color with a raised relief surface of smooth lines. Inclusive art projects allow blind and visually impaired people to feel like full-fledged visitors to the exhibition. Each of them has a real opportunity to see the paintings – with their eyes or with their fingertips, to be alone with the work, to immerse themselves in thoughts about the poetry contained in the painting and to feel the artist’s original reading of literary images.

The artist continues to work on projects of an inclusive direction in creativity, filling the collection with new ideas and themes, removing the boundaries in the access of blind people to works of art and poetry, erasing geography for intercultural interaction and expanding horizons for the knowledge of different types of art from around the world.

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